Sadie 6.1 Digital Audio Workstation – Review

There are some things that are better left uncounted, like the number of computers under my desk. Five last time I looked. It’s not quite as bad as that, two are on the mend pile and one of the others is a single task machine. It runs Sadie 4 under Windows 2000, and that’s all it does. Why? Well editing …

Cubase Pro 8 Digital Audio Workstation – review

Man on Fire is a standard Hollywood revenge film made watchable by Denzel Washington. As Denzel blasts his way through the layers of corruption every bent copper claims in mitigation, ‘I’m a professional’.  But Mr. Washington is not impressed by the pro label. What would he make of Cubase Pro 8? Yes, the latest version of one of the icons …

Antelope Audio – Zen Studio Review

Antelope Audio have a significant reputation in the worlds of clocking and conversion. In their Zen Studio they are attempting to combine some of their existing expertise into the well worn area of USB 2 audio interface design. Now  USB 2 audio devices have been around for ages and how could we possibly get excited about a new one? Well …

Spendor S3/5se – update to review 2015

I first reviewed the S3/5se back in 2005 and enjoyed them enough to swap them for my Linn Kans (see below). I was reminded of the quality of  Spendor’s products on a recent visit to Audio T in Cardiff for a Nytech day where Phil was showing off his new Nytech amps. The speakers used for the dem were some …

Audio Technica ATH-50 2015 update

I can’t believe it is six years since I first reviewed these AT headphones, time flies when music fills your head!  How have they stood the test of time. Well with one small exception – brilliantly. I have used these sat at my computer for countless hours of listening, taken them on the road for location sound recording and generally …

Tannoy Reveal 6 Review – 2015 Update

I can’t believe I’ve been using the Reveal’s for nearly ten years – but it’s true, file time stamps never lie. I don’t think. These days the Reveals are powered by a Quad 521f, with a Marenius DAC-S2 providing the source. And I still love them, I do keep meaning to try the new Nytech power amps and I will …