Rode Performer Radio Microhone 2.4Ghz Wireless – Review

Rode Performer Hand Held Wireless Kit Rode have been just one of the leaders in the charge into radio mics in the 2.4Ghz band. The attraction is obvious – no licence required – here, there or anywhere. All round the world 2.4Ghz is a come as you are party for wifi networking. Rode dived in with their very popular Filmmaker …

Audio Technica – AT AE2300 Dynamic Microphone – Review

As any fule knows – Made in Japan – Deep Purple’s magnum opus is one of the greatest rock records ever made. Strangely though at the time the title might even been ironic, Made in Japan was uncool. But now Made In Japan is something we recognise as an almost guaranteed good thing. Which makes me wonder why Audio Technica …

Brexit – export opportunity for the Gefell KEM970

When you get tired of the politics of Brexit try a new game – the microphones of Brexit!  Don’t worry Stateside you can do the same thing for Donald or Hilary!  My favourite is Chancellor Merkel, nothing to do with her politics, it’s her choice in mircophones that sets her a cut above the rest. I can’t think of another …

DPA d:screet Necklace Mic Review

In the topsy turvy world of global capitalism you can never take anything for granted. Personal mics for instance, when I was a nipper Sony ruled the roost, the ECM was the hoover or the kodak of the market, synonymous with the very idea of a personal mic. So I spent many a happy hour fiddling with ECMs, clips and …

AKG 414 ULS v Neumann KM184

Here is an audio clip which features Mic 1 and Mic 2. One of these is an AKG 414 ULS and the other a Neumann KM184. See what you think. [soundcloud params=”auto_play=false&show_comments=false”][/soundcloud] If you are having trouble hearing the switch between Mic 1 and Mic 2 click on the link (bottom right of clip player) that takes you to Soundcloud …

Neumann KM 184

For starters the Neumann KM184 – this is the first of two mics, we’ll call this one A. The mics are mounted on a Grace stereo bar without windshields, connected to a Nagra LB via Van Damme Classic cable. The Nagra LB is recording 24bits at 96KHz. [soundcloud params=”auto_play=false&show_comments=false”][/soundcloud] The files were loaded into Wavelab 8 topped and tailed and …

Royer Labs R-101- Review

How many ribbon mics does it take to equip a simple interview studio? It’s not a trick question – well, not really. Most ribbon mics have a figure-ofeight response (STC 4033A anyone?), and if you want to record a simple one-plus-one you can get away with one mic and a bit of careful mic placement. In fact I remember Roger …