Retro HiFi Journeys – Nytech CA252

The Nytech CA252 brings back memories, and why not Nytech was an iconic British HiFi brand punching well above its weight. Nytech produced intriguing designs and knock out audio quality – as I remember it. But memory is a fickle thing – and when coupled with nostalgia can be positively dangerous. It is unlikely that we were quite as good …

Airpulse A200 Active Monitor Review

Consider three of  my rules for monitor speakers. Rule One – brightness is an unforgivable sin, extra top end energy will fatigue the listener and in the end a tiring speaker is not one you want to listen to. Rule Two – many smaller ported loudspeakers gain low end extension at the expense of bass waffle. And third class D …

Spendor D9s and Nytech Amplifiers – Audio T – Cardiff Demo

Some jobs are hard work and some are worthwhile, some are tedious but well payed and some come right out of the blue. It was one of the latter gigs that arrived recently when I was asked to help out at an Audio T demonstration of Spendor’s latest and greatest loudspeakers – the mighty D9s. As a long time Spendor …