Airpulse A200 Active Monitor Review

Consider three of  my rules for monitor speakers. Rule One – brightness is an unforgivable sin, extra top end energy will fatigue the listener and in the end a tiring speaker is not one you want to listen to. Rule Two – many smaller ported loudspeakers gain low end extension at the expense of bass waffle. And third class D …

Beyerdynamic DT1990 – Review

Beyerdynamic have a long and distinguished history in studio microphones and headphones.  The DT100, 770 and 990 headphones are ubiquitous enough to be considered industry standards and so any new product from beyerdynamic aimed at the studio user is bound to be of interest.  And when that product is pitched into the burgeoning market for high end cans then a …

Drawmer MC 3.1 Monitor Controller – Review

I grew up in monitor controller world in the days when Glensound outside broadcast desks were simple beasts and needed a DK2/20 or DK2/21 to add monitoring and control functions that just made life that little bit easier. But time marched on and more functionality got built into location desks and the star of monitor controllers began to fade. But …

Audio Technica ATH-M70x Headphones – Review

Some gear is born great, Neumann microphones say or Nagra recorders. You expect great things of a new Neumann mic or Nagra recorder. But other gear from maybe less fashionable manufacturers has to fight tooth and nail to establish the credentials required for a seat at the top table. The Audio Technica ATH-M50 headphones belong very firmly in the latter …

Spendor S3/5se – update to review 2015

I first reviewed the S3/5se back in 2005 and enjoyed them enough to swap them for my Linn Kans (see below). I was reminded of the quality of  Spendor’s products on a recent visit to Audio T in Cardiff for a Nytech day where Phil was showing off his new Nytech amps. The speakers used for the dem were some …

Audio Technica ATH-50 2015 update

I can’t believe it is six years since I first reviewed these AT headphones, time flies when music fills your head!  How have they stood the test of time. Well with one small exception – brilliantly. I have used these sat at my computer for countless hours of listening, taken them on the road for location sound recording and generally …

Tannoy Reveal 6 Review – 2015 Update

I can’t believe I’ve been using the Reveal’s for nearly ten years – but it’s true, file time stamps never lie. I don’t think. These days the Reveals are powered by a Quad 521f, with a Marenius DAC-S2 providing the source. And I still love them, I do keep meaning to try the new Nytech power amps and I will …

Dynaudio BM Compact III + BM9s II Sub Review

Something is Rocking in the state of Denmark. Of course when Shakespeare wrote that all those of years ago he was probably mostly thinking of The Killing and Sofie Grabol’s fine knitwear collection, and who can blame him? But maybe the Bard had some thing more rock and roll in mind. I love a small monitor, I have Harbeth’s Ls …