Presonus Studio One Version 3 Review

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger all great aspirations, ideal for opening Glastonbury or indeed a tag line for the latest incarnation of your killer software. Avoiding of course – fatter, flatter, slower, harder to use. So have the Presonus boffins working on Version 3 of their Studio One Digital Audio Workstation delivered the Daft Punk upgrade or have they fallen foul …

Cable Factory – DI-Pro P-1 Passive DI with Lundahl transformer

You would think that makers of the world’s best passive DI’s would be closely clustered around the makers of the world’s best audio transformers, wouldn’t you? Well I would for one, it kind of makes sense. Which should mean that DI production should peak near Ipswich in East Anglia, where Sowter make top notch transformers, Norrtalje in Sweden or more …

Audio Technica ATH-M70x Headphones – Review

Some gear is born great, Neumann microphones say or Nagra recorders. You expect great things of a new Neumann mic or Nagra recorder. But other gear from maybe less fashionable manufacturers has to fight tooth and nail to establish the credentials required for a seat at the top table. The Audio Technica ATH-M50 headphones belong very firmly in the latter …

Resident Audio T4 and T2 Thunderbolt audio interfaces – review

Where are the audio interfaces of yesterday? The Zefiro ZA2 – doyen of the ISA bus, went down with the ship. The Marian Marc 2, one of the greatest two channel cards in it’s day died a driver death with XP along with the Terratec 6fire. The Gadget lab disappeared with the company and the the Mackie firewire – I …