I have a small confession to make, when the Allen and Heath GLD-112 arrived recently for review, I was a bit disappointed. Not at all disappointed with the desk itself, it is a very, very nice desk, read the review. No, I was disappointed that it wasn’t a Qu-16. Now that may seem silly. The GLD is a much more …
AETA 4Minx Review
AETA have been a big name in radio reporter’s gear for ever but it was only a couple of years ago that I had a chance to review their Mixy three channel location mixer. While working on the Mixy review I discovered AETA have something of a cult following for their now discontinued mic amps and I was certainly impressed …
Allen & Heath GLD 112 Review
Austin Allegro or Toyota Corolla, sir? Well no contest really. Japanese car manufacturers worked out early on what consumers wanted; ultra reliable machines, regularly refreshed product lines and a range of options to suit a variety of pockets. Which in a strange reversally kind of way makes me think of Allen and Heath’s digital desks. Their iLive series technology has …
Roland R88 Multitrack recorder review
1 Intro The Roland R-88 is one of life’s little surprises. A professional eight track portable recorder for under two grand, was not what I was expecting from Roland so it certainly caught me on the hop. The list of features is maybe surprising too. Eight xlr inputs all with mic amps all with associated front panel controls. Eight xlr …
Wavelab 8 DAW review
1 Intro Merry Christmas — the loudness war is over. Or so they say, dynamic range is back in town and sophisticated measures of loudness are the order of the day, no more Mr. Loud Guy. And right on cue Wavelab 8 has appeared down the chimney stuffing our stockings with shiney new loudness metering, speaker management and a bucket …
Studiomaster Horizon 2012 Review
1 Intro There are three places you can stick your power amp, well four if you include the anatomically impossible suggestion of your long suffering neighbours. First, in it’s own heavy duty box with big rack handles and more fins than Helsinki or maybe put it in your speaker, go active, or put it in with the mixing desk and …
Allen and Heath ICE USB Multitrack recorder review
What if? The question digital never tires of answering. What if my usb audio interface could be detached from my computer and become a stand alone recorder? What if, my stand alone USB recorder could be attached to my computer to serve as an audio interface. Well, Mr. Allen and Ms. Heath must have been wondering the same thing, for …
Allen & Heath XB10 radio broadcast desk review
To be frank I rejoiced when Allen and Heath released the XB14 broadcast mixer aimed at the affordable end of the radio market. I was just pleased a manufacturer would be bothered to take an interest in the somewhat neglected area of specialist radio mixers and that having a wealth of experience in building mixers for the hotly competitive music …
Sequoia 12 Digital Audio Workstation review
Sequoia is a heavyweight DAW. The packaging is professional, the features are professional — the manual is a book. Yes, a proper bound book. Then there’s the ten installation DVDs. Yes, ten. One for the software, nine for the Independence Sample library and one for the Pro-X suite extra content pack. Eleven DVDs. That’s more than the director’s cut of …
Hindenburg Radio Broadcast Editor review
Just when you thought there wasn’t any room in the world for another DAW, along comes a plucky new upstart that starts making waves. But instead of competing in the well stocked end of the pool — where music and post are what matters — Hindenburg is aiming for a much more sparsely populated niche — radio — well actually …